Gestion de l’hypertension sévère pendant la grossesse et en post-partum au Centre universitaire de santé McGill
- Rapport complet (PDF) (sommaire bilingue)
- Publication évaluée par des pairs : A quality improvement intervention to optimize the management of severe hypertension during pregnancy and postpartum (en anglais seulement)
Thérapie par pression négative des plaies chez les patientes obèses ayant subi une césarienne
- Rapport complet (PDF) (résumé et sommaire bilingues)
- Résumé visuel (PDF) (en anglais seulement)
La faisabilité et la valeur clinique d’un centre de commandement pour la gestion de la capacité de l’hôpital
- Abrégé visuel en français (PDF)
- Rapport TAU (résumé et sommaire bilingues)
L’hospitalisation à domicile : principes directeurs pour la création d’unités virtuelles de soins aigus
- Rapport TAU en français (PDF)
Utilisation de masques respiratoires N95 après leur date de péremption
- Rapport TAU (PDF) (sommaire et conclusion bilingue)
Le système de surveillance de la pression artérielle pulmonaire CardioMEMSTM pour lutter contre les hospitalisations liées à l’insuffisance cardiaque chez les patients ayant déjà eu un diagnostic de la maladie
- Rapport TAU (résumé et sommaire bilingues)
- Liste de vérification des recommandations (en anglais)
Mise à jour du rapport TAU #80. Utilisation de l'oxygénation par membrane extracorporelle pour le support vital cardiaque chez les adultes. (sommaire bilingue)
Mise à jour des rapports TAU n°63 et n°76 : Radiothérapie intraopératoire en dose unique avec Intrabeam® pour le cancer du sein à un stade précoce
- Mise à jour Intrabeam (sommaire bilingue)
Mise à jour des rapports TAU n°77 et n°78 : Thérapie de resynchronisation cardiaque dans l'insuffisance cardiaque et le bloc auriculo-ventriculaire
- Mise à jour resynchronisation cardiaque (sommaire bilingue)
Évaluation de la valeur d’une clinique de préhabilitation pour les patients chirurgicaux au CUSM
- Rapport TAU (résumé et sommaire bilingues)
- Liste de vérifications des recommandations (en anglais)
Radiothérapie guidée par imagerie par résonance magnétique pour les patients atteints de cancer recevant une radiothérapie au CUSM
- What is the added clinical value of preoperative brain natriuretic peptide (BNP/NTproBNP) in predicting post-operative cardiac complications in patients undergoing noncardiac surgery across the MUHC RUIS?
- Evaluating the value of apolipoprotein B testing for the assessment and management of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease at the MUHC RUISSS
- Radiofrequency ablation for the treatment of Barrett’s esophagus with high-grade and low-grade dysplasia: An update
- A Mini-Health Technology Assessment of Linear and Radial Endobronchial Ultrasound (EBUS) and Electromagnetic Navigation Bronchoscopy (ENB) in the Diagnosis and Staging of Lung Cancer in Adults
- Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy in Heart Failure
- Use of Biventricular Pacing in Atrioventricular Heart Block
INTRABEAM Single-dose Intraoperative Radiotherapy Using Intrabeam® for Early-stage Breast cancer: An Update Report #76
- Islet Transplantation Islet transplantation in patients with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (Report#66)
- Excimer Laser Excimer laser atherectomy for uncrossable coronary lesions and improperly deployed coronary stents. (Report#75)
- RITUXIMAB [.pdf] The effectiveness and safety of rituximab (anti-CD20) in neurologic autoimmune diseases.(Report #64)
- TAVI [.pdf] Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) in patients with aortic stenosis. Update of Report No. 45. (Report #70)
- SUTURELESS AORTIC VALVE [.pdf] Surgical aortic valve replacement with the ATS Enable® sutureless aortic valve for aortic stenosis .(Report #71)
- RENAL DENERVATION [.pdf] Renal Denervation for Resistant Hypertension .(Report #72)
- DROTRECOGIN ALFA [.pdf] Drotrecogin Alfa(Activated) in Severe Sepsis (Report #58)
- DERMAL MATRIX [.pdf] Evaluation of acellular dermal matrix for breast reconstruction: An Update(Report #59)
- VIDEO CAPSULE ENDOSCOPY [.pdf] Video capsule endoscopy for obscure GI bleeding and Crohn's Disease (Update of Report 7).(Report #60)
- KTP [.pdf] 532 nm KTP Laser for vocal fold (Report #61)
- PROCALCITONIN [.pdf] Use of serum procalcitonin levels in treatment decisions for adult patients in the Intensive Care Unit.(Report #62)
- INTRABEAM [.pdf] Single-dose Intraoperative Radiotherapy Using Intrabeam® for Early-stage Breast cancer: A Health Technology Assessment.(Report #63)
- TAU IMPACT REPORT [.pdf] The Impact of Reports of The Technology Assessment Unit of the McGill University Health Centre.(Report #65)
- HYBRID OPERATING ROOM [.pdf] The Hybrid Operating Room. Should one be available for Cardiovascular-Thoracic procedures in the MUHC? A brief report. (Report #67)
- BALLOON SINUPLASTY [.pdf] Balloon Catheter Dilation for Chronic Rhinosinusitis. (Report #68)
- EPIDISK [.pdf] Hyaluronic Acid Fat Graft Myringoplasty or Epidisk Tympanoplasty (ET).(Report #69)
- Blood Irradiation [.pdf] X-ray versus gamma irradiation of blood components for prevention of transfusion-associated graft versus host disease: A Brief Report (Report #51)
- Fiducial Markers [.pdf] Fiducial markers for improving treatment margins in radiotherapy for prostate cancer.(Report #52)
- VerifyNow [.pdf] Use of the VerifyNow point of care test to detect non-responsiveness to clopidogrel and aspirin.(Report #53)
- Probiotics The use of Lactobacillus probiotics in the Prevention of Antibiotic Associated Clostridium Difficile Diarrhea. Update (Report #54)
- DES Drug Eluting Stents. What should be the indications for their use at the MUHC? (Report #55)
- SSD Subglottic Secretion Drainage Endotracheal Tubes for Prevention of Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia. (Report #56)
- BinaxNOW The clinical effectiveness and cost of a pneumococcal urine antigen immunochromatographic test (BinaxNOW Streptococcus pneumoniae) in the diagnosis of community acquire Streptococcus pneumoniae pneumonia in patients admitted to hospital (Report #57)
- Collatamp_Colorectal Surgery [.pdf] Efficacy and cost-effectiveness of a gentamicin-loaded collagen sponge as an adjuvant antibiotic prophylaxis for colorectal surgery (Report #41)
- Ultrafiltration [.pdf] Efficacy, safety and cost of ultrafiltration for the management of acute decompensated heart failure.(Report #47)
- NPWT [.pdf] Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT)Update to Report 19 (Report #48)
- Argon Beam Coagulation [.pdf] Argon beam coagulation in orthopaedic, urological and thoracic surgery at the MUHC: A Brief Report (Report #49)
- Aortic Valve Bypass [.pdf] Aortic valve bypass (apicoaortic conduit) in adult degenerative aortic stenosis (Report #50)
- CARMUSTINE (GLIADEL WAFERS) [.pdf] L'utilisation des implants Carmustine (Gliadel wafer) chez les patients attients de gliome malin (Report #35)
- OPPORTUNITY COSTS [.pdf] Opportunity Costs Associated with Technology Expansion in the MUHC(Report #36)
- IMPELLA [.pdf] The Impella® percutaneous ventricular assist device (Report #37)
- DEEP_BRAIN_STIMULATION [.pdf] Subthalamic Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS): Clinical efficacy, safety and cost compared to medical therapy for the treatment of Parkinson's Disease (Report #38)
- RFA AND LIVER CANCER [.pdf] Percutaneous Radiofrequency Ablation for treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma(Report #39)
- DERMA MATRIX [.pdf] Clinical efficacy and cost of Allogenic Acellular Dermal Matrix (AADM) in implant-based breast reconstruction of post mastectomy cancer patients (Report #40)
- MATRIX_COILS [.pdf] Use of Matrix Coils in the Treatment of Cerebro-vascular Aneurysms: An Update(Report #42)
- COLLATAMP_CARDIAC [.pdf] Efficacy and cost-effectiveness of Collatamp-G for infection prophylaxis in cardiac surgery (Report #43)
- PROBIOTICS [.pdf] The use of probiotics in the prevention and treatment of Clostridium Difficile diarrhea: An Update (Report #44)
- TAVI [.pdf] Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI) at the MUHC: a Health Technology Assessment (Report #45)
- BARRETTs_ESOPHAGUS [.pdf] Radiofrequency ablation for treatment of Barrett's esophagus: A systematic review and cost analysis (Report #46)
- Liquid Based Cytology [.pdf] Adoption de la cytologie en milieu liquide: Évaluation technologique (June 2008 Report #TAU-DÉTMIS05 )
- Wait_Times_Radiology [.pdf] Wait Times at the MUHC. No. 4. Diagnostic Imaging Revisited. Adult Hospitals of the MUHC. Feb 29, 2008 (Report #32)
- Impact of TAU reports [.pdf] Impact of TAU reports. Feb 1, 2008 (Report #33)
- Coblation [.pdf] Comparison of Coblation Tonsillectomy and Electrocautery Tonsillectomy in Pediatric Patients.(November 2008 #Report #34)
- Drotrecogin Alfa [.pdf] Drotrecogin alfa (activated) in severe sepsis. March 2007 (Report #29)
- Knee Replacement [.pdf] The use of image-free computer-assisted systems in total knee replacement surgeries. March 2007 (Report #28)
- Machine Perfusion [.pdf] Pulsatile machine perfusion compared to cold storage in kidney preservation. May 2007 (Report #30)
- Wait Times. Fracture Management [.pdf] Wait times at the MUHC. No: 3 Fracture Management. May 4 2007 (Report #31)
- Wait Times No. 2 [.pdf] Wait times at the MUHC. 2. Selected Divisions of the Departments of Medicine and Surgery. Supplement to Report No 26 "Wait times at the MUHC 1". Sept 2006 (Report #27)
- Wait Times No. 1 [.pdf] Wait times at the MUHC. 1. Diagnostic imaging, Joint replacement, Cancer care, Sight Restoration, Cardiac care Sept 2006 (Report #26)
- Needlestick [.pdf] Should the McGill University Health Centre use safety devices to reduce needlestick injuries associated with intravascular infusions? Report Update. May 23 2006 (Report #25)
- Mitoxantrone [.pdf] The Use of Mitoxantrone in the Treatment of Patients with Multiple Sclerosis. Report Update. May 2006 (Report #24)
- HER2 [.pdf] Testing for HER2 Positive Breast Cancer: A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis. May 2006 (Report #23)
- Botulinum Toxin A [.pdf] Botulinum Toxin A for the Treatment of Refractory Chronic Anal Fissures and Internal Anal Sphincter Achalasia in Pediatric Patients. December 2005 (Report #22)
- Cerebral Microdialysis [.pdf] Cerebral Microdialysis as a tool for neuromonitoring following traumatic brain injury. August 2005 (Report #21)
- Spinal Monitoring [.pdf] Use of Intraoperative Neurophysiological Monitoring During Spinal Surgery. July 2005 (Report #20)
- V.A.C.® [.pdf] Vacuum-Assisted Wound Closure Therapy (V.A.C.®). July 2005 (Report #19)
- Stem Cells [.pdf] Transplantation of Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cells from Unrelated Donors in Adult Patients at the MUHC. Final Version April 20th, 2005 (Revised: 25/SEP/2006) (Report #17)
- Probiotics [.pdf] The Use of Probiotics in the Prevention and Treatment of Clostridium Difficile Diarrhea. Updated March 2005 (Report #18)
- Matrix coils [.pdf] The Use of Matrix Coils in the Treatment of Cerebro-vascular Aneurysms. June 2004 (Report #16)
- Gastric Banding [.pdf] The Gastric Banding Procedure. An Evaluation. April 2004 (Report #15)
- GLIADEL WAFERS [.pdf] Use of carmustine implants(GLIADEL wafer) in patients with malignant glioma at the McGill University Health Centre. January 2004 (Report #14)
- Biventricular Pacing [.pdf] The use of biventricular pacemakers at the Mcgill University Health Centre. January 2004 (Report #13)
- Low molecular weight heparin [.pdf] Should the MUHC use low-molecular-weight heparin in inpatient treatment of deep vein thrombosis with or without pulmonary embolism? Feb. 2003 (Report #5)
- Colorectal stents [.pdf] Should the MUHC approve the use of colorectal stents? Feb. 2003 (Report #6)
- Capsule Endoscopy [.pdf] Should the MUHC Approve the Video Capsule Endoscopy System in the Diagnosis of Small Bowel Abnormalities? Mar. 2003 (Report #7)
- Eprex [.pdf] Eprex and pure red cell aplasia. What should be MUHC policy for hemodialysis patients? Mar. 2003 (Report #8)
- Activated Protein C [.pdf] Drotrecogin alfa (activated) in severe sepsis? Informal HTA. April 2003 (Report #9)
- Coated Stents in PCI [.pdf] An evaluation of drug eluting (coated) stents for percutaneous coronary interventions;What should their role be at the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC)? July 2003 (Report #10)
- ICDs [.pdf] Use of The Implantable Cardiac Defibrillator (ICD) at the MUHC. September 2003 (Report #11)
- Esophageal Stents at the MUHC [.pdf] The Use of Self-Expanding Metallic Stents in the Palliation of Dysphagia in Patients with Malignant Esophageal Strictures. September 2003 (Report #12)
- Needlestick [.pdf] Should the McGill University Health Center replace the Jelco/Cathlon catheter by the ProtectIVPlus catheter for intravenous infusions? February 2002 (Report #1)
- Hepatitis C [.pdf] Should the McGill University Health Center initiate an antiviral treatment program for patients with Chronic Hepatitis C? Oct. 2002 (Report #2)
- Mitoxantrone in multiple sclerosis [.pdf] Should the McGill University Health Center use mitoxantrone in the treatment of multiple sclerosis? Nov. 2002 (Report #3)
- GP2b3a inhibitors for PCI [.pdf] An evaluation of glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors during percutaneous coronary interventions at the MUHC: Is there a difference between the drugs? Dec. 2002 (Report #4)